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Documenting the highly endangered language Korur

Landing page image for the collection "Documenting the highly endangered language Korur"

Group photo of the elders of the Korur community together with researchers and students of the documentation team. Photo of Margaretha Mansi, Grace Jane Mantiri, Yohana Natalia Mandobar, Elisabeth Saba, Yohanis Kadiwaru, Matias Nowenik, Christoph Bracks, Bernadus Saweri, Yulius Saba, Yance Sawefkoi, Frans Sawefkoi, Sem Mansi and Semuel Sawefkoy. 2022. Click on image to access collection.

Language Korur
Depositor Christoph Bracks; Grace Janice Martha Mantiri
Affiliation University of Frankfurt, Germany; Cenderawasih University, Indonesia
Location Indonesia
Collection ID 0711
Grant ID
Funding Body
Collection Status Collection online
Landing Page Handle


Summary of the collection

English: The deposit is a result of a on-going documentation project of the Korur language. The collection is the product of a joint project by the two researchers Christoph Bracks and Grace Janice Martha Mantiri. We collected the first batch of data in a joint visit to the settlement Korur on the Sept. 5-7, 20221. We will increase the content of the archive incrementally over the coming years.

Bahasa Indonesia: Deposit tersebut merupakan hasil dari proyek dokumentasi bahasa Korur yang sedang berjalan. Koleksi tersebut merupakan hasil proyek bersama dua peneliti Christoph Bracks dan Grace Janice Martha Mantiri. Kami mengumpulkan data gelombang pertama dalam kunjungan bersama ke pemukiman Korur pada 5-7 September 2021. Kami akan meningkatkan konten arsip secara bertahap selama beberapa tahun mendatang.


Group represented

English: The group represented in this collection are the speaker of the language Korur, a highly-endangered Austronesian language, spoken on the North coast of Papua. Today, the language is spoken by only about 30 speakers of the 530 members of the community. Historically, the entire community lived on the island only but during the Dutch colonial rule, the community was forcefully relocated to the Papuan mainland. The majority of the community now lives in the new villages which are considered to be located on the customary land of a different tribe. This contributed to the disuse of the language as certain aspects, such as folk tales are only allowed to be discussed and pronounced on their customary land. Similarly, some traditional events can no longer be held due to the new location.

Bahasa Indonesia: Kelompok yang direkam dalam koleksi ini adalah penutur bahasa Korur, salah satu bahasa Austronesia yang sangat terancam punah. Bahasa tersebut dituturkan di pantai Utara Papua. Saat ini, bahasa tersebut hanya digunakan oleh sekitar 30 penutur dari 530 anggota komunitas. Secara historis, seluruh masyarakat tinggal di pulau Korur namun pada masa penjajahan Belanda, masyarakat dipindahkan secara paksa ke daratan Papua. Mayoritas masyarakat kini tinggal di kampung-kampung baru yang dianggap berada di tanah adat suku lain. Hal ini menyebabkan kehilangan bahasa karena beberapa aspek-aspek bahasa tertentu, seperti cerita rakyat hanya boleh dibicarakan dan diucapkan di tanah adat mereka. Begitu pula dengan beberapa acara adat yang sudah tidak bisa lagi diselenggarakan karena lokasinya yang baru.


Map of the area where Korur is spoken.


Collection contents

English: Thus far, the collection includes elicitations of words and grammatical phenomena and we will add to the collection incrementally over the coming years to cover a broad variety of genres. Grammatical elicitations are recorded with audio only. Other recordings are recorded both audio and video.

Bahasa Indonesia: Sejauh ini, koleksi tersebut mencakup elisitasi kata-kata dan fenomena gramatikal dan kami akan menambah koleksi tersebut secara bertahap di tahun-tahun mendatang untuk mencakup beragam genre. Elisitasi gramatikal direkam dengan audio saja. Rekaman lain direkam baik audio maupun video.


Collection history

English: The collection is the product of a joint project by the two researchers Christoph Bracks and Grace Janice Martha Mantiri. We collected the first batch of data in a joint visit to the settlement Korur on the Sept. 5-7, 20221. Elders of the community are well aware of the precarious situation of their language and invited us to document their language. The documentation of the language being a longterm goal, we hope to add to the archive incrementally over the coming years. This research was supported by a research permit, issued by the Indonesian Government / National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) (No.:180/SIP/IV/FR/9/2022) and received ethical clearance therefor (No.:188/KE.01/SK/8/2022). The project was also supported by a grant provided by the GRADE center of University of Frankfurt (German).

Bahasa Indonesia: Koleksi ini merupakan hasil proyek bersama oleh dua peneliti Christoph Bracks dan Grace Janice Martha Mantiri. Kami mengumpulkan data gelombang pertama dalam kunjungan bersama ke pemukiman Korur pada 5-7 September 2021. Tetua komunitas sangat menyadari situasi genting bahasa mereka dan mengundang kami untuk mendokumentasikan bahasa mereka. Dokumentasi bahasa menjadi tujuan jangka panjang, kami berharap dapat menambah arsip secara bertahap di tahun-tahun mendatang. Penelitian ini didukung oleh izin penelitian yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) (No.:180/SIP/IV/FR/9/2022) dan mendapatkan klirens etik untuk itu (No.:188/ KE.01/SK/8/2022). Proyek ini juga didukung oleh hibah yang diberikan oleh pusat GRADE Universitas Frankfurt (Jerman).


Acknowledgement and citation

English: To refer to any data from the collection, please cite as follows:

Bracks, Christoph; Grace Janice Martha Mantiri. 2023. Documenting the highly endangered language Korur. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle: Accessed on [insert date here].

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