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Causality Across Languages (CAL): Datooga


Language Datooga
Depositor Alice Mitchell
Affiliation University of Bristol
Location Tanzania
Collection ID 0458
Grant ID
Funding Body National Science Foundation
Collection Status Collection online
Landing Page Handle


Summary of the collection

This collection contains audio and video recordings of twelve Datooga speakers conducting the Causality Across Languages discourse task. The task involved showing participants a series of short video clips to elicit event descriptions (e.g., a woman breaking an egg). Each session in the collection corresponds with one participant. Sessions contain a compressed video recording of the participant conducting the task, an extracted WAV file, and an ELAN file with a transcription of the recording.


Group represented

This collection represents speakers of the Datooga language who belong to the Datooga ethnic group of Tanzania. Within Datooga there are different ethnic subgroups which speak different dialects of the language. Sessions 4, 11, and 12 involve participants who identify as Gisamjanga-Datooga. Sessions 7 and 10 involve participants who identify as Rootigeenga-Datooga. Session 9 involves a Bureadiga-Datooga participant. All other sessions involve Barabaiga-Datooga participants. There are therefore some dialectal differences in the collection. All speakers come from two adjacent districts of Tanzania: Hanang’ and Mbulu.


Language information

Datooga is a Southern Nilotic language spoken in northern and central Tanzania. Datooga are traditionally semi-nomadic pastoralists and are thus fairly widely dispersed across the country, especially so in recent decades. The speakers represented in this collection all live in Mbulu District or Hanang’ District of Manyara Region, Tanzania. Working languages of the collection include Swahili and English.


Special characteristics

The transcriptions use the Datooga orthography developed by the Datooga Bible Translation Project, with the only difference being that is used rather than for the voiceless uvular stop. Datooga is a tonal language but the transcriptions do not (yet) contain tone marking.


Collection contents

The collection contains twelve sessions, each session representing one participants’ response to the discourse task. Sessions contain a compressed MP4 video recording, an extracted WAV file, and an ELAN file with a transcription of the recording.


Collection history

The data for this collection was collected by Alice Mitchell in April and May 2016. All recordings were made at the IM Hotel in Haydom, Manyara Region, Tanzania.


Acknowledgement and citation

Users of any part of the collection should acknowledge Alice Mitchell as the data collector and researcher. Users should also acknowledge Juergen Bohnemeyer as the Primary Investigator of the Causality Across Languages project and the National Science Foundation for funding the research. Individual speakers do not need to be acknowledged when extracting linguistic examples from their speech.

To refer to any data from the collection, please cite as follows:

Mitchell, Alice. 2017. Causality Across Languages (CAL): Datooga. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle: Accessed on [insert date here].

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